Deciphering “Little” Moods

Deciphering Little Moods

Deciphering Little Moods
Sometimes littles can get super confusing! They can be moody, and might not always be able to communicate exactly how they’re feeling. This is by no means a guide to every little, this is just based on my personal experience in littlespace. Even so, I hope this helps a little!
A Happy Little…
A happy little will smile and embrace their littlespace. This can manifest itself in using their little things(pacifiers, sippycups, bibs, bottles, diapers, etc…), giggling, babbling, being hyper, playing, laughing, and a number of other adorable and happy ways.
A Sad Little…
A sad little will not be smiley or hyper. A sad little may either completely abandon their littlespace, or require much more attention than normal. A sad little may eat more or less than normal, and have sporadic sleeping habits. Sad littles may not want to come out and talk about their problems, so it’s important to know their signs and pick up on them. To remedy a sad little, try talking about whats upsetting them, snuggles, making their favorite snacks, or giving them activities such as coloring or reading.
An Anxious Little…
An anxious little may pace, or tap their hands or feet. They may talk more or less, may appear scared or worried, and often will not know how to handle the feelings alone. IMPORTANT: If you think your little is having an anxiety/panic attack, it may be necessary to contact outside help. Know the signs, and know when you may not be able to help the way they need.
A Sleepy Little…
A sleepy little will often slip deep in to their littlespace. They may babytalk, cling to stuffed animals or blankies, and crave their pacifier. Your little will likely try to avoid bedtime or a nap, but if you can tell they need the sleep, make sure they get it! If they don’t, you might get…
A Cranky Little…
A cranky little will get annoyed very easily, and may lash out when they don’t mean to. Cranky littles may whine or throw tantrums. Cranky littles often don’t know what they want, so it’s your job to be a super sleuth! Some common causes are lack of sleep, hunger, lack of attention, and feeling uncomfortable.
An Angry Little…
An angry little may seem very similar to a cranky little, but these are two different feelings! Angry littles may still whine, get annoyed easily, and throw tantrums, but there is usually a clear cause for their anger. An angry little may yell, or fume silently. An angry little will often not want to bring up the problem initially, so asking is key! Angry littles are best handled with a soft touch, so don’t yell back if you can help it! Do your best to calm them down, and then talk out any issues in a safe environment.
A Hyper Little…
A hyper little will be jumpy, giggly, and have lots of energy. Hyper littles can be a danger to the inside, they may make messes! Taking them outside to play might be a good idea. Some good choices? Parks, lakes, and campgrounds!
A Scared Little…
A little who is afraid may cling to you or stuffed animals, hide, shake, or get very quiet. Scared littles need reassurance that whatever they’re scared of can’t hurt them, or isn’t so bad. Scared littles may also want physical affection, or not want touched at all.
A Hungry Little…
A hungry little will probably have tummy grumbles! They might also whine, and clutch their tummy! If it’s close to meal time, make them something yummy, but make sure they’re getting all the nutrients the need! As much as they may beg for ice cream and cookies for dinner, those are treats, not meals. If it’s not close to a meal time, try giving them a yummy snack, like sliced fruit and veggies, granola, yogurt, or crackers.
An Affectionate Little…
A little who is feeling affectionate wants to give you all their loves! This can be in the form of hugs, kisses, snuggling, making crafts for you, cooking for you, coloring for you… The list goes on and on! An affectionate little just wants to give you all their attention, so accept it and reciprocate!


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