House Party Orientation: Swingers Etiquette

by TinkerBelle

Swingers House Party Orientation

When you’re dealing with a large group of people having sex with one another, there need to be swingers rules in place. These rules at swingers parties make everyone feel safe in the incredibly delicate emotional and physical situation they’re in, and also set the tone for the party. It might sound surprising, but without rules, swingers parties just aren't as magical as they're supposed to be. 

Upon receiving a swinger house party invitation read it carefully, especially the bit about the RSVP date. As swinger house party is a private party, a house can only accommodate a limited number of swinging couples. So if you cannot make it, it is just polite to let the host know in advance so they can invite another couple to replace you this time round, and don’t cancel last minute unless it cannot be avoided.

It is only a good gesture to arrive and leave the party as a couple unless prior arrangements have been made beforehand with the host. It is often frowned upon by some hosts and other guests at the party when one leaves without their partner.

Always arrive at the party on time. If you and your partner are running behind time, ring and let the host know that you would be late so that they can start the party while waiting for you.

When arriving at the swinger party, follow parking instructions offered by the host. Wrongful parking or blocking traffic is not only an illegal offend but also doesn't set good terms with surrounding neighbors. Be mindful of the neighbors, and always arrive and leave dressed appropriately.

For house and club parties we suggest that you bring along an overnight bag containing all your toiletries needs, towels, and robe, negligee, or other slip on. Always keep money, jewelry, and other valuables at a minimum.

We urge that you don't become a bedroom "cruiser". This mean going around opening closed bedroom door and disturbing the occupants' insides and ruining what they were enjoying. This also means talking loudly, entering another activity without invitation, and watching (voyeurism) without consent. These are considered rude and offensive.

Do not eat, drink, or smoke at any non designated areas. You are not only creating a mess or fire hazard (via smoking), but you are also affecting others at the party.

If a party is BYOB (bring your own bottle), only consume what you bring. If you are planning to drink alcohol do so wisely and as much as your body can take. Nothing is more disgusting to clean up your mess and embarrassing when you can’t perform when sex is called for. Sitting in the corner with play doh penis while your partner is having fun and getting her freak on is the last thing you want, and no one wants to worry about someone being too intoxicated to give consent. 

Never bring illegal drugs and/or substances to swinger party. You are not only violating rules of swinging etiquette, but subjecting yourself, other guest and the host to procession of illegal drugs. So don’t do it.

When there is a theme to the party, dress for the occasion. Swinging is fun, so go with it.

Don’t touch without  permission! If you want to touch someone, kiss them or grab their butt, or whatever, you need to introduce yourself and ask permission first. You need to ask the person you want to touch. Not their spouse, their friend, or anyone else. And remember, just because you had permission one time, it does NOT mean you have permission another time.

No Means NO
You'd think this would be pretty obvious, but it's important to reiterate: if someone says no, that's exactly what they mean. It's also important to note if someone says "maybe later," or something similar, that should also be taken as "no." When in doubt, don't do anything unless the person explicitly says "yes." If someone is not interested don’t continue to be pushy, just leave it as there are plenty of other people around.

If there is a problem, tell the hosts. For example, opening doors, missing liquor, or someone is not taking NO for an answer. They truly want to know so that they can correct the situation before it becomes a problem. Keeping problems to yourselves  only contributes tension to the situation. Let the host know THAT evening, so they have a chance to talk to the person.

Bring Your Own Condoms
Don't expect the host or club to provide condoms for you to burn through while you're getting your freak on. It's presumptuous to think your host should cater to your every whim. Also, condoms come in all shapes and sizes. To ensure getting one that fits like a glove, you should probably just bring your own. Pro tip: bring more condoms than you need - you'd be surprised how fast you run out of those things. 

Adhere to Your Club’s Naked Rule
If there are rooms that say "no clothes allowed," then take off your clothes before entering the room. Not only is it creepy to be the guy wearing a bunch of clothes at the sex party, but what's the point? 

The Hosts Alway Get a Gift
If you're lucky enough to be invited to a private sex party, it's good form to bring something nice for the host. It doesn't have to be a new car or anything, just something that lets them know you care, and that you'd like to keep being invited to their sex parties. Because, obviously, you do. Some hosts have a wishlist available, so just ask. There are many items that are needed and expenses incurred in order to host a great swingers party, so don’t be afraid to ask how you can help.

Voyeurs Have to Stay Quiet
Some people want to be part of the fun, but not actually partake in it. Voyeurs are those people, and while they're allowed to watch, they're not allowed to speak. 

Stick to What You're Comfortable With
If you're not sure whether you'll be stepping out of your comfort zone while swinging, just do the stuff you like doing, and keep the sexual experimentation to the privacy of your own home. Sex parties are for having fun, not being freaked out. Also, don't be afraid to turn down someone who wants you to do something you're not comfortable with, just remember to be friendly. 

On your first venture into the swinging scene, you may feel somewhat uneasy about seeing your mate with someone else. Some "swingers" want to share swinging with their mate and feel uneasy having their mate leave to another room with someone. Everyone has their own reasons for their feelings and all feelings are real and should be respected. To avoid embarrassment or disillusionment, discuss your inhibitions with your mate beforehand. If you have a disagreement that can not be settled within a few minutes,  it is best to call it a night and go home. Making a scene at the party, tends to get you not invited back.

Clean Up Your Own Messes - All of Them
If you're running around naked in a sex club, the last thing you want to do is sit down in a mysterious wet spot. If you make a mess with a drink - or something else - isn't the point, clean up after yourself and leave the place better off than when you found it. Being a good guest at any party means cleaning up after yourself. 

Touch Base with Your Partner Throughout the Evening
It's safe to assume if you're in the type of relationship where you both feel comfortable going to a swinger's club, you're probably already pretty in tune to your partner's needs and desires. But it's always nice to check in with your guy or girl and check that everything is okay. 

Don't Monopolize the Party Rooms
If you go to a club and there are specific party rooms, you should use the rooms for their intended use. If you're using the limited amount of party space to have a deep conversation, then you're ruining everyone's night. If you're trying to find something to do other than have sex at a swinger's party, you might be at the wrong type of party. 

Remember to Be Hygienic
This is one of those rules that works just as well in real life as it does at a sex party: stay clean. Most swingers prefer the landscaping to be well trimmed or smoothe. Before attending the party, shower, brush your teeth, shave, clip and clean your fingernails and any other personal hygiene things that needs to be done. If you turn up in a mess, you and your partner will not be invited to the next one. It might even make sense to take periodic breaks to wash up mid-party.

Do not gossip or kiss and tell. What happens at swingers parties should stay between those present in the experience. Do not talk about anyone who is not present at the party. If you are discussing an experience that you were displeased with, do not talk about those who were involved in a depreciating manner. This will only cause those listening to wonder what you say about them when they're not around.

Do not overstay your welcome. Even though your hosts have gone through a lot of trouble to show you a great time, they may not always be complemented by your staying all night. If over half of the guests have left the party and you have not been specifically invited to stay longer, take that as a hint and leave.

SDC: NORTH TEXAS LIFESTYLERS                         KIK: SPOILED2017


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